Development of a software tool for an ISOBUS compatibility check

The agricultural sector is dominated by a large number of tractor and equipment manufacturers. This often leads to compatibility problems between imple­ments and tractors. The improve­ment and stan­dar­di­zation of com­mu­ni­cation between the ECUs there­fore occupies a key position in the con­struc­tion of future vehicle gen­erations.

It regulates the smooth interaction of attachments. A software tool should be developed to quickly test the compatibility between the individual ISOBUS implements and to ensure their smooth cooperation.

AEF and Sontheim Industrie Elektronik developed the ISOBUS Check in a joint project with other important manu­facturers of equipment and ve­hicles in the agricultural sector. The aim was a convenient tool for carrying out compatibility tests within the ISOBUS vehicle network. The software is available in a basic and a profes­sional version, which differ in their range of functions. The free basic version can be used to control the bootup process. The user receives compatibility data that is checked against the AEF ISOBUS data­base and answered with a check and, if necessary, an error report.

AEF ISOBUS checktool


The check tool allows a quick error and compatibility analysis of ISOBUS devices and an immediate comparison with the AEF ISOBUS database.

This ensures a smooth and uncomplicated cooperation between different ISOBUS participants without having more in-depth information from the ISOBUS participants.


Implemented and related products

MDT 2.0 - Modular Authoring System based on standards

MDT® 2.0

Modular authoring sys­tem for the cre­a­tion of complex dia­gnos­tic app­li­ca­tions in the auto­motive sector. Based on ODX and OTX stan­dard and an MCD-3D server.

  • ODX support according to ISO 22901-1
  • OTX support according to ISO 13209
  • MCD-3D Server
  • Platform independent
High-performance Vehicle Communication Interfaces


High-performance Ve­hi­cle Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­ter­faces for de­vel­op­ment, pro­duc­tion and ser­vice app­li­ca­tions in the auto­mo­tive sector.

  • Up to 6× CAN interface
  • WLAN, LAN, Bluetooth, USB, ...
  • LIN, RS232, RS485, ...
  • With logging function
ISOfox - Smart CAN-to-Bluetooth with ISOBUS interface


Smart CAN-to-Bluetooth Gate­way with ISOBUS in­terface.

  • 1× CAN interface acc. to ISO 11898
  • 1× ISOBUS interface acc. to ISO 11783
  • 1× Bluetooth 4.1
  • 12 V or 24 V compatible