Process Automation

In the field of process automation, we have control solutions, such as industrial PCs, embedded PCs up to programmable logic controllers (PLC) with CODESYS and robust terminal and panel PC so­lu­tions. Extremely high-performance IO modules allow a customized design for various fieldbus net­works. Close and flexible data communication en­sures an efficient and future-proof system.

In addition, you will receive drive technology solutions for control­ling various motors. Numerous con­fi­gur­ation options and safety functions are avail­able. Furthermore, we can also sup­ply Computer-on-Modules, which leave noth­ing to be desired due to their scalable per­for­mance and stan­dar­dized form factors.

Control solutions from Sontheim


With the most diverse systems of control tech­nol­ogy, we cover customer-specific requirements for con­ti­nu­ous moni­tor­ing of your auto­ma­tion solutions.

  • PLC controls
  • IPCs
  • Terminals
IO modules from Sontheim

IO Modules

The IO modules for CAN, CANopen and EtherCAT are used for fast for­war­ding and safe manage­ment of analog and digital signals. Ad­dit­ional mo­dules, such as an inter­face con­ver­ter or multi­plex­er, are available as supp­lements.

  • CAN/CANopen
  • EtherCAT
  • Others
Computer-on-modules from Sontheim


The customized em­bed­ded sys­tems have scal­able per­for­mance for mo­bile and net­work­ed sol­u­tions – even in harsh en­vir­on­ments thanks to an ex­tend­able temp­er­ature range.

  • Numerous interfaces, e.g. CAN, USB, PCIe
  • Onboard 10/100/1000 Mbit LAN
  • Intel Atom processor, Freescale i.MX6
Drive technology from Sontheim

Drive Technology

Our drive technologies are used to control var­ious motors. With num­er­ous con­fi­gur­ation op­tions and safe­ty func­tions, we guarantee customer-­specific and re­li­able systems.

  • Up to 4 DC motors
  • 4 galvanically isolated inputs and outputs
  • CAN interface acc. to ISO 11898